Hire our professional topless waiter ‘Miguel’ for topless waitering jobs in Brisbane City and surrounding areas. ‘Miguel’ is available for Topless hosting, butler in the buff waitering, G-string waitering and standard topless waitering.
We specialise in hens nights in Brisbane, so you can rest easy knowing ‘Miguel’ is experienced in waitering for your hens party!

South BRisbane topless waiters for hire, male waiters in brisbane, hens party bookings available.
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Location - Brisbane.
Travels to - Brisbane and surrounding.
Services - Topless waiter, butler in the buff, g-string waitering.

Miguel Loves to exercise in the sun, practicing body weight exercises and is an international advocate for all round health for the mind and body. He is a true gentleman, and loves to socialise with everybody, and loves a good beach party! You can catch Miguel on weekends at the SouthBank beach in South Brisbane, tanning his abs!